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Contact Us

CNC Machine Repair and Services has been acquired by Advanced Machinery in March 2018. This website has not been updated since.

About Us

Welcome to CNCRepair

We provide the South Africa area with prompt, reliable & knowledgeable service, offering troubleshooting & repairs of industrial machinery throughout the South Africa Region. We specialize in CNC machinery! For us no job is too big or too small. Our highly-skilled professionals are trained to provide you with the solutions you need as well as the quality you deserve. We have made a strong presence in our business market and are continuously striving to offer the best to our clients, something you will quickly realize when you choose us. We know that you will find what you are looking for with us because we stand behind our work and know that we will deliver the satisfaction that you need. If you are in need of someone to provide reputable troubleshoot and repair or provide preventative maintenance for your machinery, we are your company. In need of training on your machinery? We can help you there too. We work on everything regarding CNC Machines!


Company Profile


We are a privately-owned company. The President and Chief Operating Officer, has many years of experience in the engineering and CNC Machining Field. Our company is pleased to offer a combined 30+ years of machining and engineering experience, which is invaluable in providing precision CNC machining.
The mission of our company is to provide a manufacturing facility with the capabilities of performing custom precision machining and production component manufacture work in prototype and production quantities while offering the latest in machining and fabricating techniques. We have a proud record of meeting the precision requirements for a significant list of valuable customers.
Our quality is monitored through various quality processes including PPM Tracking and continual improvement methods. Our facility is ISO 9001-2008 Compliant. We would be pleased to quote your machining and fabricating requirements.


To achieve our vision by having

     An organization environment that fosters professionalism,
      motivation and Quality.

     An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious.

     Services that are based on most optimum technology.

     Quality, and Time conscious Customer service.

     Sustained growth in earnings and profitability.




To be the Leading Power solutions provider by achieving customer'ssatisfaction and maximizing the quality.


     Professional Integrity

     Customer satisfaction

     Team work

     Company Loyalty

     Corporate culture


Our Services

Field Service

CNC field service engineers travel country wide and abroad to install and repair all types of machinery. Our extensive experience with many different brands of equipment ensures that we can handle complex problems with ease.


CNC experienced mechanics and control technicians assist you every step of the way in the quick, safe installation and startup of your machine tool. We’ll assist in proper location, placement, leveling and alignment. Once installed, we’ll assist with a dry or wet run-in. We’ll assist and advice regarding issues such as linear or box ways, spindle alignment and balancing, tool changers, pallet systems and tooling issues.

Leveling & Alignment

Alignments are a crucial step in setting up a machine to cut accurate parts. Using precision levels, granite squares, straight edges equipment, CNC can make the corrections required to hold tolerances. Various alignment tests and verifications include straightness, run out, parallelism, square, bore alignment, shaft alignment, flatness measuring and more.

Field Scraping

Productivity and quality decrease as your machine wears. If your machine is beginning to show signs of wear, CNC can disassemble it, scrape all of the bearing surfaces and restore your ability to cut good parts.


One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing used machinery is the condition of the machine. CNC Repair' technician will inspect the machine and write up a report for the buyers evaluation. CNC Repair will also provide video and pictures for buyers to assess. CNC Repair has a standard inspection form that can be modified to meet a buyer’s needs and expectations for inspection.


Developing a preventative maintenance plain with CNC Repair will assist in reducing downtime and increasing productivity! Preventative Maintenance includes fluid changes, battery replacements, and in depth inspections. In depth inspections included as part of the Preventative Maintenance can detect minor problems that could potentially lead to more costly repairs.

Why Us

Reverse Engineering

Way Scraping and Way Grinding


CNC Integration

Linear Scale Repairs, Installation, and Sales

Machine Electrical Systems

Our Expertise

Our Processes

What makes us different?

Our Preventative Maintenance Process
Our complimentary analysis and quote includes a custom look at your machines, facility, production schedule and ways to minimize downtime.

     First we evaluate the individual machine and the facility.
      We gather information from the facility manager and the operators.

     Next, we review the manual for manufacturer suggested production
      time and maintenance schedule.

     Now, we develop a custom preventative maintenance schedule for
      each machine. This could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually
      depending on your company needs, machine availability, and budget.
      We take into account types of material, how many hours the machine is
      run in a day and then we recommend a schedule for optimum machine

     We assign a project manager who will keep in close contact with your
      maintenance supervisor for effective communication to manage your
      production time and costs.

Our Team


What are your accepted payment terms?

We accept Visa and MasterCard, check, or cash. Our credit customers are on a 1/3 balance due upon receipt of P.O., 1/3 balance due upon job completion, remaining balance due Net 30; or a total Net 30 payment. Payment options depend on total quote of job or customer payment history.

What can speed up our downtime?

Shipping your machine to our facility; saves daily travel time which means more hours on your project.

What is Way Scraping?

Scraping is a hand process which produces a flat, close work surface. The main use of hand scraping is to improve the quality of the slides and ways and at the same time to correct the alignment of the machine.

How can you turn my manual machine into a CNC machine?

Eliminate current mechanical axis drive to be replaced with ball screws and properly sized servo motors. Most manual turn handles will be eliminated and replaced with a CNC console and MPG.

What are the advantages of replacing my transmission with a Servo motor?

There will no longer be the troubleshooting headaches of a complicated transmission. Repairing transmissions can be expensive due to the amount of troubleshooting, production downtime, and larger expensive gears.